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  • Writer's pictureWhitney Calametti

Letter of Commendation to Major

Dear Major, It is well known that you demand high moral standards and total professionalism from the men serving under you. This fact is well documented in the low crime rate we enjoy in South Fulton County). l would like to single out one officer in particular who shows exceptional leadership qualities. That officer is C. Callaghan badge #0/41. I requested police assistance on Friday morning, Aug 27 and officer Callaghan responded in under 5 minutes. He showed sincere interest in my case, taking meticulous notes as he questioned me. Actually, l didn't feel like I was being questioned. It was more like talking to a concerned neighbor or a good friend. He has terrific people skills as well a being an extremely competent police officer. He would request information that was not immediately accessible to me { ie; engine no., model no. psi output, etc} and waited patiently as I frantically gathered the requested information. Interacting with officer Callaghan did not consist of talking to a badge and a gun, but more like another human being. It's obvious that Officer Callaghan genuinely likes people and police work .These are the qualities that make up an outstanding police officer. C. Callaghan is an outstanding police officer. One last note; after Officer Callaghan had finished up at my house {he physically searched the grounds for evidence and clues to pass on to the detectives,} he went to the trouble of personally calling me to give me an update on my case.

Thank you Major, and all the men who serve under you, for making life in South Fulton county so safe and enjoyable.


Christopher E. Hutchcraft

U.S. ARMY. Retired

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