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  • Writer's pictureStacy Wellborn

Letter of Commendation to Chief of Police

Updated: Dec 12, 2021

Dear Chief Coleman,

I am writing to commend Fulton County Police Officer, Detective Christopher Callaghan for his role in the investigation of an assault and robbery that occurred at Northside Hospital in North Fulton County, Case# 2005031752.

On October 8th, 2005, I was attacked and punched in the back while being robbed of my purse with all of my personal belongings. Just prior to the attack, I was speaking with my mother in Florida on my cell phone in the front entry way of the Northside Hospital lobby. My husband had been admitted to ICU after a minor surgery and was in very critical condition. I was distraught when a man came from behind me, punched me in the back and I fell forward. He grabbed by backpack off my back and ran down Johnson Ferry Road to Peachtree-Dunwoody Road where he disappeared. As he fled with my purse, I chased after him and called 911 from my cell phone. An officer named J.W. Cool (0882) arrived at the hospital to take my statement and he was very kind and helpful.

However, the next day, I received a call from a Detective who was not assigned to the case, but wanted to help me in the assigned detective's absence. He politely introduced himself over the phone as Detective Chris Callaghan. He was very concerned about what had happened to me and wanted to help in any way that he could. Detective Callaghan listened to me and followed up on any lead he could find, no matter how insignificant.

Amazingly, several pieces of my purse contents were found all over Atlanta and Detective Callaghan retrieved and interviewed every person that had found the belongings. He even jumped in dumpsters where articles were found trying to find any clues or leads.

The bottom line is that due to his compassion, devotion and diligence, I now have peace of mind. Although finding the suspect and the contents of the purse were important, it was his concern for my well-being that made the difference.

Due to his efforts, my Daytimer calendar, blackberry /palm pilot case, car keys, sunglasses, children's pictures and most of the contents of my wallet are back in my possession. He was even so kind as to bring the Daytimer to my home as he was on his way home from work. He immediately calls m􀀱 when he has a lead and always asks how my husband is recovering.

Detective Callaghan was a blessing during an incredibly stressful and emotional time. He was instrumental in assisting me and my family while we recover from this unfortunate incident.

You and the Atlanta community are very fortunate to have a Police Officer such as Chris Callaghan. His dedication and professionalism reflect true character and epitomize the meaning of excellence, honor and integrity. Please express to Detective Callaghan my sincerest thanks and appreciation for his outstanding service.


Lurline Craig Burke

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